Bolivia 2021
On May 4, 2021, David returned to Bolivia with Pastor Jose Portillo of Vive Charlotte! church serving as translator to spend time with the pastors of the La Paz presbytery.
La Paz
They spent one week together, discussing practical/pastoral issues the pastors are facing regarding budgets, training elders and deacons, along with potential new church plants. This was no easy task – at 13,300 feet! David and Jose battled headaches, nosebleeds, and shortness of breath, but God is faithful!
The Bolivian Andes
On May 12th, Pastor Edgar Flores drove David and Jose 16 hours THROUGH the Andes mountains to speak at a conference in the southern part of Bolivia by the Argentina border in Tarija. What a drive that was! Reaching altitudes of over 14,000 feet, winding, with no shoulders or guardrails in many places, this was truly a faith-building drive!
David and Jose spent a week in Tarija, speaking at a conference of evangelical pastors from Bolivia, Argentina, and Paraguay. The topics given to David were on Biblical Leadership and The Foundation of Sound Doctrine. After many hours with these pastors, it appears a new potential presbytery is in the works!